CANCELLATION POLICY: Deposits and payments for this retreat are non-refundable and are possibly transferable to another retreat, and is dependent on the timing of the cancellation, and if your vacant spot can be filled. Decision on this matter is 100% up to Allison Eaton.
This agreement releases Allison Eaton from all liability relating to all damage, harm or injuries that may occur before, during, or after the retreat. By clicking "I agree", I release Allison Eaton from any liability, including financial responsibility for any injuries (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual injuries) incurred, regardless of whether injuries are cause by my own negligence.
I assume all risks of travel, and I release Allison Eaton of any injuries, damage or harm occurred in my travels either before, during and after the retreat.
I release Allison Eaton of any liability that might arise from my own negligence, carelessness, or from my general participation on this retreat, including Covid-19, for example.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in yoga and have received medical clearance from my doctor. I swear that I am participating yoga and all physical exercise, including the waterfall hike voluntarily, and that I will practice ahimsa (non-harming) and respect my limits. All risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while participating in the retreat.
By clicking "I agree" below, I forfeit all rights to bring a lawsuit to Allison Eaton, for any reason. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions, including Covid-19 safety precautions, and any other explained to me in writing or verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.